I have 2 My Passport SE 1 TB drives. One of them is now acting up. The drive was working fine.
Here is some info:
I plug it into the USB port (I tried Win7 and XP). I hear the plug in sound. But the drive does not show up in Explorer.
The autorun no longer shows up.
When I unplug the drive I get a a message saying “you must format F: to use it” (Only on Win7)
Sometimes, the drive will appear in My Computer, but is not accessiable.
Various things freeze on the computer and immediately start working as soon as the drive is unplugged (e.g., driver
manipulation through device manager, Windows Task Manager, etc.).
I tried Western Digital Data LifeGuard Diagnostics, but the utility freezes my computer until I unplug the drive which immediately allows me to work normally with the computer
I tested on multiple computers with similar results.
The 2nd drive (exact same model), works perfectly on the same computers I’m doing the tests on.
The drive was conncted to a laptop which shutdown when its batter ran out. I suspect this is when the problem started
I can see that several people are having similar issues but there doesn’t seem to be a solution posted.
Do you have access to a Mac computer? If so, try to connect the drive to it and run the disk utility.
I know that sounds crazy, but same thing happens to me, I was able to connected to a Mac computer and repair the drive, the partition was damage and I lost all the data, but the drive was repaired.
The drive was conncted to a laptop which shutdown when its batter ran out. I suspect this is when the problem started
I can see that several people are having similar issues but there doesn’t seem to be a solution posted.
Please help.
you most likely corrupted the drive when the battery ran out. if you don’t need the data, you can delete the partition, repartition and format the drive. it should be okay after that. if you need the data, you can try a partition recovery software and see if that restores the partition.
I am also having similar issues with several machines and external hard drives. The computers are Windows 7 computers with a 1 Tb external My Passport hard drive. It’s fine until the drive becomes full and then Windows 7 won’t recognize it again. I’ve tried to use disk utility to dump some of the data, but disk utility won’t recognize it either. I have tried to reinstall the driver and that doesn’t work either. Any ideas?
Yes, I took the drive back to the shop since it was still under warranty and they told me they will fix it. It seems they tried to re-format it, but couldn’t get anywhere. Obviously all my data went bye bye! So, I ended up with a new Toshiba drive!
It does show up, and I have tried to delete the partion and I think I get that far. But afterwards when I want to create a new one, it gives me an error. In my computer the device now shows up, showing no diskspace what so ever.
I’m not allowed to format it in anyway, since it keeps giving me an error.
Im currently trying to delete the partition again, one thing that stands out is that it says that I have 931 gb space RAW. Does the fact that its RAW cause problems?
I now have a black bar and a hd with no partition. There is no option to intialize. I ca click on the blank space of 931 unallocated disk space and create a new simple discunit or I can click on the DISK 1 area and convert it to a dynamic disk og a GPT disk.
If my format it via my computer after I delete the partition I’m told that its view only data, and that I need to remove the protection if I have to procced.
From the disk management screen it says that there was an unkown error.
I now tried to format it using the WD quick format, it failed, and now the HD is shown in disc management as non inicialiced. So what course of action should I take from here?
I intialized it and try to repartition it. The bar turned blue and then I got a message saying the formatting could not be completted. Because the console disk management is not updated.
The disk is now back to its state of 931 gb RAW. It says that it is healthy. I don’t know where to go from here.
what operating system are you using? also, I’d consider downloading the dlg diagnostics from wd’s downloads page, and writing zeros to the drive. I’m not sure what you’ve done after all this. then initialize, or just partition it using mbr, not gpt. I’m not sure if xp will read it if you use gpt.
I’m running a full update Windows 7. I’ll try and download the diagnostics toll and write zeroes. I’ve tried to partition it using mbr, I didn’t use gpt.