WD My Passport is not being detected at all, when we connect a hard disk to the system, it usually spins which makes the HDD detectable by the OS.
In my case it is not happenning, i checked the cable is correct and the power supply is correct…everything else i checked by connecting to different systems.
My hard disk gives a beep sound…I have very important data…the HDD is still in warranty period…unfortunately WD says they will not support me.
I’m sure that my HDD has some hardware issue…that is why it doesn’t spin rather it gives out a beep sound…
My guess is wither PCB or heads or the heads got stuck on the platter, either of these three would be the issue.
When i contacted a professional data recovery service provider in bangalore…they said they would recover around 20gb to 50gb of data…and it would cost around 10,000 INR… This is too costly and that too they will not recover entire data. I have around 900GB of data in my HDD
I’m feeling very helpless and angry…i do not know what i should do…Any help please ?