I retired my wife’s 7 year old PC and built her a new one. She has used her My Passport Essentials SE USB backup drive for a number of years now. Still works great. My question is to should I delete all the old PC’s backups before I start using it on the new PC? What is the best procedure? I have already downloaded the latest version of SmartWare, just have not installed it onto the new PC yet.
Thanks in advance!
What the OS for the new PC? First make sure that the software works on the new system with the old drive.
Windows 10 Pro installed on new PC. Downloaded SmartWare Version: 2.4.16.
I still would like an answer for my question. And I would also like to know if I remove ALL files from the drive, or reformat it, install the new SmartWare software on the new PC, will the software add any needed files back onto the My Passport Essentials SE and then allow me to start a new backup plan?