Hi Folks!
I’ve annoying issue with My Passport Essential 500GB.
From few days when I try to copy data from External HD to my laptop the transfer speed is very slow (400/500 KB/sec) and often the HD disconnect from the laptop and reconnect in 3/4 seconds.
I run WD Lifeguard Diagnostic utility. Below the result:
Test Option: QUICK TEST
Model Number: WDC WD5000BMVW-11AMCS0
Unit Serial Number: [Delete]
Firmware Number: 01.01A01
Capacity: 500.11 GB
Test Result: FAIL
Test Error Code: 11-Cable Test::Read diagnostics sector error!
Test Time: 09:56:21, December 22, 2012
In the details windows I get this red paramter: “Re-allocated sector count” = 133 with Threeshold = 140.
Someone can help me?
Currently make a backup is very difficult due to slow transfer speed and continuos disconnection and I’m afraid to lose my data.
Any tips?