hi all,
I bought some time ago a ‘my passport essential’ usb 2.0/3.0 external drive (500GB), but I’m having some problems trying to use it. It is not always detected by my PC (a sony vaio VPCF13E8E with windows 7 home-premium 64bit that I bought last September). Sometimes it is detected just connecting it to my pc, but sometimes I must disconnect-connect several times the hd or even restart the pc with the drive connected in order to be detected. I can’t figure out why this is happening. Both the pc and the hd are new. Firstly I thought that the problem was PANDA Usb vaccine that I use, but even after its uninstallation the problem remains.
Moreover when I connect the drive to another laptop running windows vista, it is detected immediately, without having to do anything special. Any suggestions? What could be wrong in my pc preventing the drive to work properly? Is there a way to cause-force drive’s drivers reinstallation?