With the My Book attached, all I get is a ThinkPad screen and then I am hung. Running Windows 7 professional 64bit. After powering the Thinbkpad off and removing the My Book, the system boots fine and My Book works fine.
I changed the load priority in Bios so that the system was loading from my C: hard drive, but the system still hangs with the My Book attached. Any help would be appreciated.
I have seen this before, Your laptop may be trying to boot from the first drive it sees. Changing the boot order may not help. Check your BIOS to see if has a “USB Legacy” option and disable it. You should also check Lenovo support to make sure the BIOS is up to date on your laptop as well.
Tim, you are the man!!! It works. I did two things – changed the UEFI/Legacy Boot Priority to UEFI First. It had been set to Legacy First. Frankly, I don’t even know what the acronyms stand for. Secon, I upgraded the BIOS to the latest version from Lenovo. I’m not sure which action fixed it. Should I leave the priority UEFI first or change it back? Thanks so much for your help. Joe
If it works…don’t change it…
Agree. thanks again, Joe