I was using it for only 2 months and the external hard drive was not shown/popping up on my computer and Wii. The white light on the hard drive lights up. Any ideas how to fix it?
I was told by many that “Western Digital is known for the wire getting the wire that connects the hard drive to the computer or any device to break easily”
hi, I had same problem with My Passport on windows 7 64 bit. I removed its driver and USB mass storage device driver from USB Controllers section in Device Manager. When I reconnected the HD it reinstall the driver now it is working well.
I tried to go on Device Manager and then it pops up saying that if I want to use Master Boot record or GUID Partition Table for Disk 1 to be initialized , when I choose either an error message pops up. “This request can not be performed because of an I/O device Error” any suggestions?