My WD My Passport External Hardrive is no longer showing up on any computer. Originally I used it without issue on a laptop. Then when I went to add things from a different computer it initally was useable. After safely removing the hardrive from the computer I could not longer use it on any computer. Since that time whenever I plug it in to any computer the white light comes on and the hardrive makes the normal noise starting up. It shows up being recognized on my computer and I can safely remove it. It does not show up under My Computer or Disk Manager. The drive does show up in Device Manager. I have tried this on multiple computers and with multiple USB ports. I also requested another USB cable and tried that with no success. If someone could please help I would very much appreciate it since this is now the second time this has happened to me. Thank-you.
I have a WD Passport Portable Hard Drive (Model/Order number: WDXMS1600TE). i reinstalled my pc and since that time, the computer do not recocnize my WD hard drive any more. i tried it with other computers as well, but the same was hapening. i can not open my wd anymore. all my data are there…does anybody know how i can solve this problem
thank you in advance
Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this. You can do so either by phone or email.
To Contact WD for Technical Support
Did you look through the post on troubleshooting at the top of this section? Does the drive show in Diks Management? What OS are you using?