My Book Studio for Mac suddenly not recognized

Hi there - I purchased a 2TB My Book Studio for Mac (Firewire) about 3 years ago. a few months ago it stopped powering up when I plugged it in. I took the inner drive out (a Red 2TB NAS drive), unplugged the power supply board and put the drive in a USB 3 enclosure.
However now when I plug it in it says “the drive is not recognized by this computer” immediately and there’s nothing I can do.
It shows up in Disk Utility as an apparently un-partitioned drive but that’s it.
The drive was formatted for Time Machine which if I remember is MacOS Journaled or something like that. in any case it functioned just fine as a time machine.

I have a lot of stuff on here I’d not like to lose forever… and no comments please about keeping backups of my backups, I know.

i’d love to get some help with this problem so I don’t have to re-initialize the disk and lose everything.

Thanks in advance

Well - I forgot to mention that I am running Mavericks which apparently is the cause of this whole problem?!?!

[deleted - profanity]

previous threads appear to have some anemic “sorry about that” from WD but no suggestions for data recovery.

I have 100% lost any respect for WD as a company and henceforth will be informing all of my 30+ office staff that we will NO LONGER BE PURCHASING ANY WD EQUIPMENT EVER AGAIN.

expect to see this reflected in my Twitter account so my 15000 some odd followers get the message as well.

this is NOT how a company supports it’s users.

FWIW - DIskWarrior cannot repair the disk… ANYONE HAVE ANY OPTIONS??

A couple of things:

  1. If it’s showing up in disk utilities, but not showing up otherwise, that could mean that the partition may have been corrupted. You will need data recovery software to restore the partition.
  2. If it’s not showing up at all, then the drive may have failed. You will need to replace the drive.

However, neither of those have anything to do with the My Book Studio and Mavericks OS. If you were running Mavericks, and everthing was fine before this issue happened, then it wasn’t caused by any OS issues.