Some time ago ago my My Book Essential stopped allowing me to see my files. I’m hoping they are not lost and that this forum can help me retrieve them.
I’m aware there are problems with mac OS 10.9 but I’m still running OS 10.8.
Computer & OS: Macbook OS 10.8.4
For the My Book Essential drive, I don’t remember what size it is, but I think 1.5 TB. It is P/N: WDBACW0015HBK-00 0412D **[Deleted - Trancer] **R/N: C3C
When I plug the drive into my USB port, the light comes on on the drive. The drive doesn’t show up in my mac Finderbut it does show up when i go to Applications - Utilities - System Information and look under USB it shows up as MyBook 1130.
WD QuickView shows a green light and 100% space available on the drive. (WD QuickView is version However, WD SmartWare Home shows 0kb total stored and 0kb free. (WD SmartWare is version Nothing stored and no space free? The Backup and Retrieve tabs on WD SmartWare are not functional, they’re light blued-out.
I’ve checked the drive on two other computers with the same result. On a PC with Windows Vista the drive shows up in the hardware section of Control Panel but won’t show up on “My Computer” as an accessible drive. On another mac it doesn’t show up in Finder. Neither of these two computers have WD Smartware installed.
Thank you.