I’ve recently purchased a My Book Duo 8tb. I have setup the drive as a 4tb raid 1 mirrored drive. After using WDUtilities to create the raid 1 drive I want to partition it into multiple partitions. I’m running this on a mac. After I create the single partition raid 1 drive I can use Disk Utility to partition the drive into 2 partitions.
Can anyone verify that this will still work correctly as a single raid 1 drive with multiple partitions. After doing the partition WDUtilities seems to correctly recognize the drive as a raid 1 drive. I’d just like to make sure that this will work correctly.
Hello greg444, welcome to the WD community. You shouldn’t have any problems partitioning the drive, but can you share why you need to do it instead of creating separate folders?
Thanks for the information. I want a separate partition for time machine because it will continue to save backups until it runs out of space. I want to limit the backup partition to save room for my other files I want to store on the drive.
Greg444, did you ever find an answer? I’m interested in doing the same thing, for the same reasoning.
Am trying to perform a similar task, although on a Thunderbolt version for Mac system.
Instead of partitioning for Time Machine however, I need the partition to be on NTFS format for my PC files (I have BootCamp setup on my Mac).
Not sure if this Post will get a reply anytime soon due to inactivity since March, thus will attempt to configure the drive via the WD Utilities and then partition using OS X Disk Utility.
Hope this works - will post an update after.