I have 2 My Book 8tb and 1 4tb external drives and have them all set to sleep after 45 minutes. They do in fact enter sleep mode after 45 min. but after a while, wake up on their own for no reason. ALL 3 drives do this! Again, I have the software set on all for 45 min. What’s causing this?
Hi @mctalks,
Thanks for reporting the issue.
Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for best assistance and troubleshooting:
Yes, I filled out the Support Case form but have yet to receive a response. Not even an acknowledgement that my submission was received.
NOT SOLVED: I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Drive Utilities and thought it might have solved my issue, but it has not. I filled out a new support case today but thought I’d post here again just in case someone reads this and can offer any different suggestions.