I have a 3Tb My Book external usb 3.0 Drive. Model WDBACW0030HBK-04.
The internal Hdd has broken. Irrecuperable.
I have another WD 3Tb internal Hdd that I’m trying to use to replace the failed one.
The model of the new one is WD30EZRX-22D8PB0
The original was WD30EZRX-00DC0B0
Wich is not exactly the same.
The WD Drive Utilities app detects the connection with the usb 3.0 card, but nothing more than that.
When I try to delete it, the WD Quick Formatter.exe opens but gives a message of failure error.
Can I replace the HDD, or is the enclosure also trash after the hdd breaks down?
Does it have to be the exact same model?
I have not tried this, lets see if another user can share some information or tips on this matter.
Tried everything…
I think the enclosure is trash too…