My 2TB My Passport External is overheating as soon as I plug it in

As soon as i plug my external hard drive, the software “WD SmartWare” say that my drive is overheating and it automatically shut itself down in less than 4 minutes. Does anyone know what to do?

Whether it’s a flash drive, hard disk drive, or any other storage device, all are electronic products and equally uncertain in life. Overheating of any storage drive is more severe than we think. Every storage drive has a minimum and maximum operating temperature. Any change in the internal or external temperature significantly affects the drive performance and life.

Anything below or above the ideal temperature can have a bad impact on the drive and can lead to the following issues:

  • Data loss
  • File corruption
  • Drive corruption
  • Increase in bad sectors
  • System crash
  • Frequent system freeze
  • Unexpected system shutdown
  • Constant screeching, clicking, or whirring sound
  • Drive failure

To know more about the issue & how you can fix this, I suggest you check out the below blog:

Hope it will help.