Hello! Recently I have encountered this problem with my WD My Passport 1tb USB 3.0 External Harddrive.
Whenever I transfer large files ( 50 GB + ) the Drive tends to overheat. Reaching Temperatures up to 45 degrees.
but here’s the problem
when the drive reaches that temp. The usb 3.0 external HDD transfer rate slows down to almost impossible speeds 90kB/s or so.
It even stops responding at certain times. The external HDD then reconnects itself, just like when you plug a usb.
( an Autoplay menu appears for where you have options like open folder to view files, use this drive for backup etc… )
which causes my file transfer to stop.
I am concerned about my files. Almost all of the important files that I have is here. A years worth of work and download. All of the installers
programs, movies, source codes, documents that I have are here. and I dont have backups.
I tried this software called Western Digital Lifeguard Diagnosis, but the drive passed all of the checks and I also performed a quick test, it also passed.
Please help.