Model Differences

I want to purchase a 2TB external, portable HD. I already have my own backup software.

I see WD has three different Passport models:

  1. My Passport Ultra
  2. My Passport Ultra (New!)
  3. My Passport Ultra (Metal).

On the Comparison page, there doesn’t seem to be any difference between the models other than backup software, and cosmetics

There is also a WD Elements Portable which comes only in black, and without backup software or encryption (which I don’t need).

For my purposes, are there any substantive differences between the models, so far as performance is concerned? They all seem to have 3 year warranties.

Thanks for any information.

Hi, I believe that all the passports are equal other than software and looks they work pretty much the same. The elements tho, as mentioned does not come with any software or encryption, however I believe that it has a 1 year warranty and not 3.

Thank you for that information. Much appreciated.

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