Different between 3 types of external drives?

I would like to buy 1TB external drive.

There are 3 types:


My Passport

My Passport Ultra

What is the different between them?

Can someone help me please?


The differences between the WD Elements, WD Passport, and the WD Passport Ultra are mainly software-based, as the WD Passport Ultra includes the WD SmartWare Pro Backup solution, which works with most USB hard drives (Even non-WD branded drives) and can also access your Dropbox account.

The standard version of WD SmartWare bundled with the WD Passport (As opposed to the WD Passport Ultra) does not include these features, and only works with compatible WD SmartWare drives. However, you are able to upgrade WD SmartWare into WD SmartWare Pro for a small fee.

Both models also feature encryption systems and password-protection.

The WD Elements on the other hand includes no automatic backup solution or encryption system. However, it is compatible with WD SmartWare Pro if the application is purchased.

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