Loud Ultrastar - is it broken?

recently i have bought Hitachu Ultrastar HUA723020ALA641, 2TB 7200 RPM. Manufactured in 2012 but it wasn’t used since then, shop was cleaning their warehouse so i got one for a good price. Its not refurbished.

I ran HD Tune and WinDFT, both of them gave no warnings. Then i decided to try Anvil’s Storage Benchmarks and ran an endurance test. The longer the test took, the louder it got. I removed the case and recorded the sound right next to the SATA connector - Vocaroo | Online voice recorder. When it got to the end and test started all over again from scratch it became quiet again. Its not loud at all during normal use. I just grabbed some gigabytes of Microsoft Dreamspark images and put them on it, couldnt hear a thing.
Should i be worried? It doesnt sound like typical clack clack damaged drives do, but it was much louder than my WD Blue or old Seagate.