Lost Word file from trash

I was clearing up my MacBook’s Downloads folder and then emptied the Trash. But by mistake, I deleted an important Word file. Now the Trash is empty, and I don’t know what to do. Can someone please help me?

@DataWizard0103 Do you have a time machine backup? check if you can restore from there.

@Win11DataSavior I don’t think I have a time machine. Do I need an external drive to set it up?

Hi @DataWizard0103,
Did you checked it on Icloud?

Yea, the TM backup feature on macOS requires an external drive to function. Once you connect an external drive, you can easily set it up for automatic backups.

For now, you’ll need a DIY Mac Recovery Software to retrieve your document file. I recommend avoiding using your Mac to prevent overwriting the drive. Also, grab an external drive as soon as you can for backups and future safety.

I think you need recovery tool. As my suggestion.

Yea absolutely, in this situation DIY Mac recovery tools will help.