So I just purchased my first WD hard drive (My Passport For Mac). I did my first backup late at night and it was taking a while so I left it plugged in to work over night. It did hourly backups overnight after the first was complete so I was left with a bunch of extra backups I didn’t need. I dragged the excess backups into my Trash and tried to empty it but it gave me an error message saying it couldn’t delete all files because of system integrity protection. It then looked like it was deleting files but started giving me error messages that files were in use, etc. after it was done none of the backup files in my trash were deleted.
It didn’t look like the files were taking up any space on my hard drive but they still showed up in my trash when I plugged it in. This is how I’ve deleted backups on all my other hard drives so I’m confused. Is there any way to empty my trash on My Passport For Mac or will it automatically delete them when it starts running out of space?