I ordered SSD 850mb/s Hard-drive months now its more than 1 month gone

I ordered SSD 850mb/s Hard-drive months now its more than 1 month gone i have 2 RMA number which have 2 issue one is mine and second is western digital products.

i received damage Hard drive first i ordered then started procced of replacement the date is 28 may 1 RMA created after that that gave me Hard drive after 10 -12 days which is 512MB/S drive which is not i ordered first time now for replacement this drive again created 2 RMA number for close first RMA and date is 14-15 May more than 15 days gone now todays is 31 may again 15 days gone every time calling we will call you back after checking after connecting with team. Rarely 1-2 time gave support then 10-15 time i call every time same we will call we will fix this issue in 2-3 day for 2nd time replacement now todays i called and give me same response 20 min i talk and last word is we will call you back and yes personally we follow…sorry dear personally i am taking this WD team for my product .

Now give me My MONEY back. I don’t need this kind of service

Hello, @tailorsunny0 FloridaBlue

You’ve had a frustrating experience with the RMA process and customer service. If you’re looking to get a refund for the SSD, here’s a general approach you can take:

Formal Complaint: If customer support is not helpful, consider filing a formal complaint through Western Digital’s support portal.

Documentation: Keep all correspondence and documentation related to the RMAs and your interactions with customer service. This will be useful if you need to escalate the issue.
Consumer Rights: Depending on your location, you may have certain consumer rights that protect you in situations like this. Look into local consumer protection laws to understand your rights.
Credit Card Dispute: If the purchase was made with a credit card, you might be able to file a dispute with your credit card company to get a refund.

Best Regard,
Diana Hill