G’day. I have just bought a My Passport wireless device. When I enter my passport or I receive a screen showing ‘Can’t Find’.
Maybe if that doesn’t work, nothing after will work.
I did however go into settings to see wireless networks. When I click on myPassport, it looks like it cuts the access to the internet, and again, nothing goes nowhere.
I am not really technical so an easy to understand solution would really be appreciated.
Of course. You can’t connect your PC to both the My Passport WiFi and the internet simultaneously, unless you’re physically connected to your wired net and also using WiFi simultaneously.
You can, however, connect to the MPW via WiFi, then configure it to connect to your home WiFi and thus resume access to the internet via the MPW.
I am not technical. Can you please give me a step by step process to connect to the MPW via WiFi, then configure it to connect to your home WiFi and thus resume access to the internet via the MPW.
Connect to the My Passport WiFi, by default there is no password, don’t worry about the Internet right now.
Once your computer is connected to the My Passport WiFi, then go to you should bring up a screen where it asks you to password protect the WiFi for the My Passport. Add a password to secure the WiFi. The drive will kick you off the WiFi and you will have to connect to it again but this time you will need to enter the password. Once connected again, you will put the again and access the UI or control panel for the Passport. You will probably need to update the Passport’s internal software (firmware). Go to the WiFi tab on the control panel and connect to your local Wifi through the Passport. That way your computer is connected to the Passport, the Passport is connected to your local WiFi. This will allow you to update the time and date, and update the firmware as well as allowing your computer to get internet access while connected to the Passport.
Many thanks Timothy. Not sure I understand the last bits.
At this stage, when I look at my network settings, I am connected to the internet, and I can see that MyPassport is an available network. It is labelled as secure. Looks like I have set up. Hopefully.
If I now click on MyPassport to connect as I think you said above (connect to your local Wifi through the Passport), it disconnects me from the internet. So, I haven’t connected again.
Where do I access the WD Dashboard now, as I saw that after entering the new password?
My main aim of buying this device was to download photos from SD card while travelling. Can I do that without being connected to the internet or do I need to do a set up on my ipad?
Back again. Looks like I have set up OK. Looks like I need to disconnect from the internet when I use the WD device.
I have setup a shortcut on my Desktop. Be back later today to see that the shortcut gives me access to the WD Dashboard.
I have downloaded some photos to the device. Looks like I need to have connected to the laptop to do this, and cant just remotely download. Does that seem right? If that is the case, then I will need to set up the device on my ipad. That will be interesting. Might be back with a few more questions.
WD support haven’t really helped me, an aging techno bunny.
Thanks. Manuals are often like road signs: written for people who already know what to do.
The manual has not been helpful to me hence my reaching out for assistance.
I have downloaded some photos to the device. Looks like I need to have connected to the laptop to do this, and cant just remotely download. Does that seem right?
Hi Ricardo have just read this thread with interest as I believe I have the same problem as you had/have. Like you I have followed the setup instructions 30 + times with no success so being referred back to them will achieve nothing.
I can connect to to my passport wifi and of course to do this I have to leave my home wifi hence the internet disconnects.
Now when I insert the my passport name or URL , like you I get the can not connect message.
Did you ever find a solution to this problem. I am on the verge of formatting and starting all over again. Peter