Hello, I have a My Book 2.0 usb, 2 terabytes. I am wondering, after researching extensively, what is the proper way to just power off my drive (My book). I don’t use the smartware software, just use the drive for photo storage. I thought I’d found the answer in the knowledge base, but it only tells how to “remove” it, by clicking on the icon that says, “Safely Remove Hardware”, and I think that is for removing it if you don’t want to use it again. I just turn on My Book whenever I need to work with my photos, and don’t need or want it to be running all the time. I’ve been just using the power button, holding it down for 5 or 10 seconds, but I’m wondering if that is the safest or proper way to do it. I read on the internet that some people just disconnect the USB. Can anyone tell me what WD recommends, because I can’t find it anywhere on their website. Thank you very much.
You should be able to find the user mannual for your drive here.
I have the 500gb my book. this is what my mannual says.
These are the directions for disconnecting the drive.
Disconnecting the Drive
CAUTION! To prevent data loss, close all active windows and applications before shutting down or removing the drive.
Using the System Tray
- Right-click the WD SmartWare icon in the system tray, and then click Safely
remove My Book Essential USB HDD:
You may hear the drive power down as the Power LED flashes. - Wait for the LED to turn off before disconnecting the drive from the system.
Using the Power Button - Press the Power Button on the My Book Essential unit.
You may hear the drive power down as the Power LED flashes - Wait for the LED to turn off before disconnecting the drive from the system.
hope this helps.
same problem
but none of this two things doesnot works
help :womansurprised:
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