I do not know how to change backup instructions. Can you help? Carolyn
I have to assume you are using WD Backup.
First you have to open WD Backup from your Start button on the lower left corner. Then you will see a box at the top for your Passport. If it does not have a blue box, click on it. Then you click on Edit Schedule near the middle of the screen. Now you can select the frequency (Hourly, Daily or Monthly). Hourly is not recommended unless you are editing frequently. Monthly is good for most work. Then you can select the Weeks and Days of the Weeks and the time of day. Easy Huh?
When you post, it helps if you give a few details of what system, software and problem you have.
I don’t have a start button. It’s Windows 10?
When you move the cursor to the bottom of the screen, type “WD Backup” in the search box. You should see a box near the top marked WD BAckup. Click on that. Then follow the steps I outlined previously.
Thank you. . Not as easy as I thought!