I got a USB adapter with my Scandisk 64GB card. I cannot figure out how to insert the card into it …
I got a USB adapter with my Scandisk 64GB card. I cannot figure out how to insert the card into it …
Hola, Lanny
Estimado Usuario
Por favor, no es un adaptador, tirar a la basura, es un fraude.
Afortunadamente, no pudo conectar la microSD (3,3 voltios), al puerto USB (5 voltios), con ese adaptador falso, porque se habría quemado.
Además, tenga en cuenta que la tarjeta microSD de 64 GB, “tiene el protocolo SDXC” (Capacidad Extendida, de 64 GB a 2 TB), y sólo se reconocen, por medio de dispositivos que tengan su logotipo.
Hay dos maneras, de poner una memory-card en la laptop:
1- Por el “Puerto-card” de la Laptop, una tarjeta SD va directamente.
Pero, una microSD, necesita un “adaptador”, de factor de forma igual a la SD.
Este adaptador (dispositivo pasivo), expande los pines de la microSD, y es como una “SD hueca”, (sólo utlice marcas reconocidas: SanDisk, Samsung, Kingston, no genéricos, ojo).
2- Por el “Puerto-USB” de las PCs, y ahora necesitamos un “Lector de Tarjetas” (dispositivo activo), que, junto con la memory-card, se transforma en una Pendrive, (sólo utilice marcas reconocidas: SanDisk, Kingston, Encore, no genéricos, ojo).
Ver los link:
Saludos, Alfred.
Hi, Lanny
Dear User
Please, it’s not an adapter, throw on the junk, is fraud.
Fortunately, could not connect the microSD (3.3 volts), to USB port (5 volts), with that fake adapter , because i_t would have burned._
Also, note that the microSD of 64 GB, “have the SDXC protocol” (Extended Capacity, of 64 GB to 2 TB), and are only recognized, by devices having their logo.
There are two ways to put a memory-card in the laptop:
1- For the “Port-card” of the laptop, SD card goes directly.
But, microSD, requires an “adapter” of form factor equal the SD.
This adapter (passive device), expand the pins of the microSD, and is like a “hollow SD” (only use recognized brands: SanDisk, Samsung, Kingston, nongeneric, eye).
2- For the “Port-USB” PCs, and now we need a “Card Reader” (active device), which, along with card-memory becomes a Pendrive, (only use recognized brands: SanDisk, Kingston, Encore, nongeneric, eye).
See the link:
Regards, Alfred. (Translated by Google)
Hogwash. It is provided with the card by ScanDIsk. I found the answer, anyway - you insert the card from the back, above the USB connectir.
How to Boot From a Flash Drive or CD on the PS3
The Playstation 3 is programmed to boot from certain types of CDs and external storage devices like Flash cards. Playstation game CDs boot the PS3 into the game automatically; all you need to do is insert the disc and turn on the PS3. The other way to boot a PS3 from a CD or Flash drive is part of the process of installing the Linux operating system on your PS3.
Select and download a Linux distribution to download. Your options are Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE and Yellow Dog. Ubuntu and Yellow Dog have better support for PS3 than OpenSUSE and Fedora. Links are provided in the first Resource.
Locate the boot loader included with your Linux distribution of choice and rename it to “otheros.bld” so the PS3 recognizes it. Your bootloader is either named “kboot” or “petitboot” followed by a version number.
3.Create a folder named “PS3” on the CD or Flash drive. Create another folder named “otheros” inside the “PS3” folder. These folder titles are case-sensitive–enter them exactly as they appear here.
Save the “bootloader.bld” file in the “otheros” folder. If you are using a CD, burn it now. See the second Resource on how to burn a CD using tools included in Windows.
Insert the Flash drive or CD into the PS3.
Go to the “Settings” column of the PS3 main menu, select “System Settings,” then “Install Other OS.” The PS3 then searches for and starts installing the boot loader from the Flash drive or CD.
From the “Settings” column again, select “System Settings,” then “Default System.” Choose “Other OS” from the options listed on the right.
Burn the .iso of your Linux distribution of choice to a CD, if you want to boot the PS3 from a CD. If you’re using a Flash drive, see the third Resource on how to put a running Linux installation on a Flash drive.
Remove any disc already in the PS3 and turn it off.
Insert the CD or Flash drive. The Flash drive goes into one of the PS3’s USB ports, located on the front face, in the bottom right-hand corner. If you insert a CD, the PS3 automatically turns on.
Turn on the PS3, if it hasn’t turned itself on already. Select your Linux distribution from the boot loader menu to boot the PS3 from the Flash drive or CD.
:smiley: Hola, Lanny
[…es proporcionado por ScanDisk con la tarjeta…]
1- No existe Scandisk, es SanDisk.
2- Por lo tanto, la tarjeta, seguramente también es falsa, y puede causar un cortocicuito en el “puerto USB”.
3- Lo que usted, muestra en la foto, no existe en el sitio web oficial de SanDisk: http://www.sandisk.com/products/memory-cards/readers/
4- Compruebe, que en todos los adaptadores, lectores y “tarjeta de memoria” (al igual que en sus otros dispositivos) Sandisk, se ha grabado el logotipo y el número de serie.
Es decir, todos los datos necesarios para la identificación técnica, comercial y jurídica.
Saludos, Alfred.
Hi, Lanny
[…****It is provided with the card by ScanDIsk…]
1- Not exist Scandisk , is SanDisk.
2- Thus, the card, surely also is false, and can cause a cortocicuito in the “USB port”.
3- What you show in the photo, not exist in the official website of SanDisk : http://www.sandisk.com/products/memory-cards/readers/
4 - Check, that in all adapters, readers and “memory card” (as well as its other devices) Sandisk , is have engraved logo and the serial.
Ie, all the data necessary for technical, commercial and legal identification.
Regards, Alfred. (Translated by Google)
Hola, Lanny
[…es proporcionado por ScanDisk con la tarjeta…]
1- No existe Scandisk, es SanDisk.
2- Por lo tanto, la tarjeta, seguramente también es falsa, y puede causar un cortocircuito en el “puerto USB”.
3- Lo que usted muestra en la foto, no existe en el sitio web oficial de SanDisk: http://www.sandisk.com/products/memory-cards/readers/
4- Compruebe, que en todos los adaptadores, lectores y “tarjeta de memoria” (al igual que en sus otros dispositivos) Sandisk, se ha grabado el logotipo y el número de serie.
Es decir, todos los datos necesarios para la identificación técnica, comercial y jurídica.
Saludos, Alfred.
Hi, Lanny
[…_ It is provided with the card _ by ScanDIsk…]
1- Not exist Scandisk, is SanDisk.
2- Thus, the card, surely also is false, and can cause electrical short in the “USB port”.
3- What you show in the photo, _ not exist in the official website of SanDisk :_ http://www.sandisk.com/products/memory-cards/readers/
4- Check, that in all adapters, readers and “memory card” (as well as its other devices) Sandisk , is have engraved logo and the serial.
Ie, _ all the data necessary for technical, commercial and legal identification. _
_ _
Regards, Alfred. (Translated by Google)