So, I’ve trawled a vast number of related problem pages about the My Passport device, however none seemed to describe the fault that I’m having accurately, so this has led me to begin a topic which directly describes my issue.
It has just started today. I have 2 Passports, the newer one is working fine and the older (fuller) one is giving me issues. Initially the device wasn’t appearing in the file manager window, so I could not open the passport at all, however upon moving it to another USB port it becomes visible…but that is as far as the access goes. If I click on any of the files or folders within the device it takes a long time to attempt to load it and then finally it does not open anything. I’ve tried connecting it to the TV and nothing loads up at all. However I’ve checked the device in Disk Management and it appears in here with a blue bar and is described as ‘healthy’. I’ve done a system restore on my computer to an earlier date, but this has not rectified the issue, I’ve followed a method of uninstalling from device manager and allowing the device to reinstall, but all to no avail so far.
I’ve quite a number of unique files that I was in the process of backing up onto the newer drive, but only a small number have so far been transferred, so I’m very keen to recover this. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.