G-Speed Studio R - Swapping Hard Drives

I’m completely new to data storage and so am really clueless about swapping hard drives (and haven’t had the best of luck with data so thought I would post here first).

I used the four HGST hard drives that came with the G-Speed Studio R (each 3TB, RAID 5) and now the storage is full. I purchased two more removable hard drives, and I’m unsure how to proceed from there.

There’s data on the original HGST hard drives that I currently need, and data that I would like to physically put away. How might I do that? Can I just swap one of them out? Or do I need to remove all four hard drives and put in one of the hard drives and set that one up?

As an added question, in the future, how do I set up the hard drives so as to have four hard drives in the G-Speed that can each be removed and replaced whenever they become full? I’m not sure what “logical drives” and “disk arrays” mean, and would hate to accidentally lose all the data. Thank you!

In order to upgrade your storage to hold more you have to do is in full swaps. This means 4 drives at a time.

If you want to migrate the data as well you will need another storage device to move the content to before you build a new RAID with your 4 new drives.