Please help me. I have a nice Mac and I have a G-Drive model number 0G02529 so I know its a little older. But, Im not a techie. Im an artist. I sew and do collage quilts. I have all my stuff on this drive. all my files. All my life work on it. But not only that…. my husband of 17 years just died and I am heartbroken all our pictures are on this drive. All our memories. I just want to cry. The drive was working perfectly…. until last night we had a storm. I didn’t turn my computer off. But the drive is still on and it still does all the same sounds on and off and works just fine just the icon is gone and thats how I noticed something was wrong. Please can someone help me.
I ran first aid on it. Heres what it says. ….
Repairing file system.
Volume is already unmounted.
Performing fsck_hfs -fy -x /dev/rdisk2s2
File system check exit code is 8.
Restoring original state found as unmounted.
File system verify or repair failed.
now, Im not very smart when it comes to all this coding stuff and things if this nature but I CAN follow directions and Im not afraid of the computer. So my main objective is to get this stuff off this drive and onto a new drive….
Can anyone please help me???