I’m thinking of buying a Fuze, mainly because I can add memory to it, which is a great feature. One question, though, that I don’t see answered anywhere. From what I’ve been reading, it seems that when I want to copy MP3 files from my Windows XP computer to the Fuze, the extra memory card will appear as a separate drive. Fine. But once I’ve copied the files to the microSDHC card, what happens when I use the Fuze? Will all files be integrated into a single folder system on the Fuze itself…or will there be one folder system for the built-in memory and another folder system for the card? In other words, when I look in the “classical” genre, for instance, will ALL my classical files be in one place, or will there be one “classical” genre for the built-in memory and another “classical” genre for the card? I sure hope it’s all integrated into one heirarchy. It would be really stupid to have to search twice for every darn song or cut I want to find.
I hope someone can answer this question, as it may influence my decision about which brand of MP3 player to buy.