Format error

need help was in the middle of a shoot and my Cannon 5d had a error cf card not formatted i have had this

sandisk ultra 8gb card for 8 months with no problem i can not get any device to reconize the card, to recover

should i reformatt the card… to reconize , will i lose all info on the card…help

if the card is not recognized by any device then formatting is not an option. this is usually a failed card. if the data is important you will need to contact a company that provides data recovery services. I would suggest

I had experienced this type of issue. But this was with a microsd of my phone, it started out when the phone could not be recognized by the phone. I tried to put it in a card reader,but that also failed. So I decided to format the card.And it was there that was able to use the card again but the data I had in the card had all been erased.

Format error does have many causes. One of which is that you reached the storage limit of a certain memory storage. Usually we can’t notice that warning sign. If you had encountered such error caused by this one, better backup up necessary files and do a reformat via pc using a card reader. I do also suggest to provide at least 15-20% of disk space to prevent data corruption. Another possible cause is that either the memory card itself has been locked by means of a small switch present in some cards. Better check the card itself first before inserting a file. Another possible cause is that the card reader of certain device (e.g. in cameras, psp, etc) does have a problem at all. Better refer to your device’s manual with that issue.

If still these possible causes does not indicated in your case, I do suggest to go to the nearest service center of sandisk in your place. There are possible recovery tools when you search in google but I would suggest to go in a center instead.

Try to connect the card using card reader  to the computer if it comes as a drive letter like G: or H: then try to open it and if you can see it as a drive letter but still not able to view files in it then you can use data recovery software on that card to recover files.