I cant seem to install either the firmware update, or the Smartware software, which would allow me to back-up by PC correctly (including programs and their product keys in case of a full crash)
I got a My Book 3.0 1TB (Usb 3.00 with usb 3.0 USB adaptor card
I have a PC, XP sp 3, Intel 2 duo core, 3 GHz, 4 GB ram
Have installed from CD the driver.
I have checked and see that I have .Net 3.5 SP 1 installed OK
The Mybook works, as I have manually copied data and some programs folders.
The speed is erratic ( seems to get stuck quite often, and then resume) more later
Tried the Firmware update, downloaded it, with The Mybook up and running- as instructed by WD web page instructions: giver me a “insert drive WD ro continue, do another analysis” message ( PC is in French – so have translated the message) – does not install anything apparently
Tried to install thethe Smartware, same response.
Not really impressed so far !
Can anyone help - give me some hints on how to move forward ?
I did a CHKDSK, just in case, and it corrected some errors, and the above is after haveing checked drive F (MyBook)
Finally, the on-off switch does not seem to have any effect, even after some 30 seconds wait etc = so have to Hard-unplug, not ideal !! if I wish to have the MyBook completly disconnected between weekly back-ups.