Extreme series questions and doubts.....

Hello everyone on forums!

Few days ago, I bought:

  1. Extreme pro microsd card 8GB, Product Code SDSDQXP-008G-X46,

2. Extreme pro microsd card 16GB Product Code SDSDQXP-016G-X46 and

3. SanDisk 64GB Cruzer Extreme USB 3.0 Flash Pen Drive Product Code SDCZ80-064G-G46.

They are from more than decent UK retailer based on reviews, packaging was immaculate and I would say they are genuine Sandisk products. Even coupon code for some software was included which I haven’t checked, I would guess that false products neglect things like this. I do oppose advice seen on these forums to search for high priced Sandisk products, would that really be some warranty?!

Anyway, I’m here because all three are slower than stated. Some people on Amazon reviews claim that they achieved highest speed.

Microsd cards passed h2testw_1.4 test with speeds 64 MBps

USB stick passed h2testw_1.4 test with speeds 59 MBps

Large file copy in Windows 8.1 speeds: 55 MBps read, 75 MBps write, USB stick 55 MBps read& write. So its pretty far from 245 MBps advertised and microsd cards aren’t perfect either. On same USB 3.0 port 2.5" 5400 rpm HDD goes up to 80 MBps which is great.

So, they are some doubts and my subjective experience in using them on my tablet, smartphone and PC is unsatisfactory. 

Please share some insights…

:smiley:   Hi Dorepac,

Dear member of SanDisk Community, welcome.

_Friend, I congratulate you for their thoughtful observations, and your generosity, to share with the user Community of SanDisk. _

1-     With regard to the cards , I see that the reals values, that you measured, are near of the theoretical values reported in the packaging and on the official website of SanDisk.

The reals speeds of the cards, improve on a laptop, plugged directly its the port-card (not USB card-reader).

See link: http://www.sandisk.com/products/memory-cards/microsd/

2-    I agree with you, in that the values of the USB 3.0 pendrive, are wrong and seem of USB 2.0.

See link: http://www.sandisk.com/products/usb/drives/extreme/?capacity=64GB

2.1-  Then, please, try your pendrive in other laptops with USB 3.0 ports, for see what happens.

In general, the real speed, improvement when you upgrade the USB 3.0 driver.

2.2-   Also, check the contacts USB 3.0 (9 pin) ports, and of the pendrive.

         See if there is any bent, broken or dirty, or just do not fit well.

Luck, and then you tell us, what happened, please.

Regards, Alfred.                                                            (Google translated)

Cards were inserted in Card reader slot with SD card adapter of course, laptop is equipped with Samsung EVO 250 SSD so no waiting there and I tried USB flash drive on 4 PCs.

:smiley:   Hi Dorepac,

Sorry, if the above steps have not solved the problem, do not grieve more, contact SanDisk Technical Support who will replace the device, if it’s authentic and is within warranty.
Link: http://www.sandisk.com/about-sandisk/contact-us/

To obtain the internal data of the UFD, you can use (portable apps, free):  - USB Flash ChipGenius 4.00,  http://filecloud.io/rqa7etmv
                                                                                                                                    - USB Flash Deview 2.30,           http://filecloud.io/srp2hegw
                                                                                                                                    - USB Flash DriveLetter 1.30,     http://filecloud.io/vgqzcdyh
                                                                                                                                    - USB Drive Manager 4.20,          http://filecloud.io/ydi9jpac


Regards, Alfred.                                                                 (Google translated)