External hard drive won't disconnect

I have done a back up successfully but when I go to duiscconnect the hard drive safely a message comes up and says you should not disconnect becuase a program is running and to try again later. No program is running (at least in Task Manager)  so why the message??? Can I just disconnect safely anyway???

Try logging off then back on. One of mine does that occasionally. Maybe the AV is running in background.


I have noticed the same problem since I changed over to WIN7; plus upgraded to IE9; so I am not too sure which caused it. However, I found that by starting “Task Manager” and stopping all apps from running, it takes approx 90 seconds for the WD My Passport to make itself safe to unplug.

  Just a note aBOUT THAT!    I often get a note up on my screen after playing around with some settings on the WD, to “unplug WD Passport” and replug to initiate the change.

Wouldn’t this cause the same sort of problem as just pulling the usb plug aT ANYTIME?
