External Hard Drive will not delete files or folders

I have a Western Digital External 500 GB Hard Drive. all the files on the HD are .AVI files.

What has been happening is.

  1. When I click on the folder that I want to delete it goes through the process as if it is going to remove and delete the folder but yet the folder just stays there.

  2. If i open the folder up and delete the individual files in the folder. it goes through the process of deleting. and it shows the files are gone. but if i close out of the window and go back into the folder the files are back.

  3. I have tried using malwarebytes to permantly delete the files, it does show that it is successfull in deleting the files but when i go back to the HD and open the folder the files are still there.

no matter what process of deletion that I have done so far the files and folders always come back. any ideas or recommendations would be greatly helpful.

There’s some sort of corruption on those files, you can use this  utility to delete the files.