Error in RAID Configuration

I bought the 3TB My Passport Ultra and reformatted it with 3 partitions, 2 of which exFat and the other MacJournaled. I was happy until I started to see this error message:

I sought help and created a ticket after using the tools included for the drive. Help to look at different Knowledge Base answers did not help and I was directed to “escalate” it. I referred to search the Internet and found this this URL.:

At the end of the page, there is the solution. By downloading that Link on this part of the page:

Your My Passport Ulta only have a single drive. There should not be any RAID set on that drive. A Raid set needs at least two drives. You need to uninstall the WD utility drive software and download the latest for your drive.

Yes… that is why it was an error. The link I found directed me to a download to firmware upgrade that solved my problem.

It is working fine now, no more error messages about RAIDs . Just wanted to provide where the information to solve the problem was found for others with the same problem to use.
