Docking Station Is NOT A Solution?

Docking Station Is NOT A Solution? I discovered an Amazon review with comments made by two buyers and one was claiming in the event your WD Elements drive stops working, you can open it up and remove the WD Black INTERNAL from its casing (which voids warranty, I know) only to be inserted into a docking station to recover data. Then another buyers claims it’s not going to work. He further adds; " the controller on the drive encrypts the data! You need a controller board that has a chip that matches the encryption key. What you have to do is take the chip off the duff ccontroller board, and solder it onto a new controller board." Is there any truths to what the second buyer is saying?

The encrypted drives use a password and in the past came with Smartware. I think Elements now comes with Smartware but is not encrypted or password protected.


i think you misunderstood my message. note i did say i think…