Complete list of functional and hardware differences between current models?

I recently bought a mybook for mac (USB3/USB2 support) as a backup destination for my NAS.  After looking online however I see there are a lot of variations of the mybook.

Now, in trying to find the differences between the many Western Digital External Drive options, it was very hard to determine what differences the drives have so I can decide if I made the correct choice.  I could use some help in trying to decide whther or not to return this drive for another model.  I do not care what the default file system the drive is formatted as.

_ Can someone list the complete hardware and functional differences between the different models? _

By complete I mean things like the areas of interest below:

  1. Does it support a low poer or sleep mode and if so do the different models have different sleep modes (for instance drive park or not)?

  2. Port support (e.g.)?  USB 3.0 or esata or both are needed for me.

  3. Are there differences in throughput and if so what are they (for example do all USB 3.0 supporting models have similiar throughout?)

  4. Hardware encryption with password ?  Does the hardware encryption require formatting the drive a special way or will any NAS that can provide a password work with it?

  5. What hard drive is used internally?

  6. The WD My Book for mac and the WD My Book Essentials seem almost identical.  Are they?  If not what is different?



Hello, you can compare the current My Book models on the following links.

What kind of hard drive is inside a Western Digital external product?