WD My Book Studio WDBCPZ0040HAL vs WDBHML0040HAL

What is the difference between these two models?

I understand that WDBHML0040HAL is the replacement of discontinued model WDBCPZ0040HAL, but was wondering what the technical diference was?

I would have thought it to be a fix for the data loss issues, but it appears that WDBHML0040HAL was released before the issue was known?

Also, are people still experiencing data loss with either model with the latest software?

Thank you!


These two models are both the same drive. This drive is compatible with Mac OS X 10.6.5 or later

Specifications for My Book Studio


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I have tried unplugging it and replugging it back in and using both Firewire 800 cables and USB 2.0 there is power but the drive just won’t mount. ANy help is much appreciated I’m running OSX Mavericks. Another duplicate drive runs fine but sadly it doesn’t contain the files I need