My external Passport drives started doing a self shut down after a few seconds of connecting to my Mac. After much agony and many wasted hours, I finally resolved the problem. As of today, 8/26/2015, the problem is the WD Utilities software update ver.
To fix the problem:
Remove both WD Utilities and WD Security from your Applications Folder. Go to Finder, Applications, and select both apps and delete.
Restart your Mac.
Reinstall WD Security only. Update to latest WD Security version if you like.
Please help, I’ve also been reading and trying different methods from several forums, with no luck.
I plug in my external, it starts beeping/clicking with the light flashing and the disk inside spinning until the beeping & spinning stops. Leaving just the light flashing, slower than before. I’ve changed the wire, deleted wd utility, replaced wd security. Nothings changed.
The WD security only recognizes the external being plugged in after the disk stops spinning (& I can’t do anything to it) the rest of my computer doesn’t see the external. I’m lost, any suggestions?
It possible your hard drive directory got corrupted.
Run Disk Utility app. Depending on you OS version, the app can be found in Launchpad/Other/Disk Utility. Open Disk Utility and select your external disk. First run First Aid and see if it can be fixed. If you are out of options, and as a last resort, run Erase to reformat the drive. Good luck! Let us know how it turns out.