I’m having a weird issue with My Passport (500GB). I used to use it for a PC and would now like to use it to store images/files from a Macbook (OS 10.6.8). Earlier today, it worked on my Mac: it was detected and I could view files, etc. Then I plugged it into the PC and deleted the backup from the PC which was stored on the drive. Now it has now stopped being recognised by my Mac, but still works fine on the PC. When I plug it in, it shortly shows up in my drivers and then dissappears after about 2-3 seconds. I cannot do anything on it anymore, as it seems not detectable by my Mac after that.
On the PC, I’ve tried to solve it by:
I’ve downloaded and run the WD Firmware update (for Windows)
I’ve erased the drive
I’ve formated the drive to both exFAT or NFTS (the only two options available when formatting on PC)
None of these actions did anything to the problem. It still shows for a few seconds and then disappears.
Any help to fix this would be highly appreciated. Thanks !
Use Finder, type “terminal” to open a terminal window. In the window type “disktuil list”, it should show something like below. The line /dev/disk0 is your internal hard disk. Which it contain your OSX and your data. /dev/disk1 would be your external hard drive. In my case I only have one internal HDD and one external HDD which connect using the USB port. If you can see your external hard drive then it is possible the partition format is corrupted. You can use DiskUtil from Finder to reforat your drive again. To be able to use on Mac and Windows. Format your drive as Exfat/FAT32.
I find these responses bothersome, most people do not have more than one mac lying around. My WD external harddrive cannot be found by my computer whilst plugged in, and I do not have the luxury of plugging it into another MAC. It would be nice to buy a product that works seamlessly. My warranty is up, and now im stuck with a plastic boy stuffed with useless metal.
I have a 2TB My Passport which is only a few months old but has recently developed the same issue as the OP. It randomly disconnects from my Macbook Pro 2008.
I have connected the unit to an older iMac that we have and it mounted without problem and did not disconnect.
Any suggestions to what I can try to troubleshoot the problem with it disconnecting from the Macbook Pro?
My Passport drive will appear only for a few seconds using Finder’s Utility app (I am trying to format the drive). The drive will not stay long enough for it to be formatted. BTW, the drive shows up as dsk 1 in the Terminal window. Any more suggestions how to fix the drive?