Can't find how to download drivers for WD Blue Sata

I need to download the drivers on a external USB so my other PC recognices the WD Hard Drive, been trying for last 2 hours to find them in WD page and only could find 2 programs that do nothing if the Hard Drive is not connected on this PC. :confused:

Can anyone help me please.

Hi @ErikUrruti ,

Please refer to the article:Software, Firmware and Drivers for WD Products:Software, Firmware and Drivers for WD Products

Have you opened a Support Case? If not opened, for more information, please contact the WD Technical Support team for the best assistance and troubleshooting:

I did try to open a Support Case, and it says :
“There was a problem with the request and the action could not be completed.”
I also tried to go to Software Firmware and Drivers for WD products, but theres no drivers, only 2 programs that tells me nothing but the fact that I dont have a WD product in this computer.

If you found any way to get the drivers rar for Sata HDD Blue let me know

Did you find a solution?