Can not read/write/delete certain folders and files

Happenned recently on my WDBAAA5000ABL

Some new folders created a few days ago no longer accesible producing either “access denied” or “unknown file header”, “write protect” message.

I cant even acces the properties of the blocked file/folder to see/change the attributes - access denied again!

What’s the story. I can’t even delete these corrupted files/folders to start the folder over again from a backup. They appear to be permaently stuck there on the drive.

Ran CHKDSK drive: /F that reoported some fixes but no other problems, But those file/folders are still stuck on the drive as before!

Running XP


Try going into the Device Manager and delete the driver for the drive. Then disconnect the drive reboot system and reconnect the drive. That should load a fresh driver.


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Thanks. That worked. Though not so staightforwardly

After your procedure I was able to finally access the properties of almost all the previousely locked folders and found that checking “Sharing” box enabled me to get into the folders. Some files within those folder became accessable, others were still locked.

A reboot again made them all accessable.
