Brand new Thunderbolt Duo Drive 4Tb stopped appearing on iMac and then appeared again!!! What’s up, I have crucial data on it and I’m worried it will happen again…
Download WD drive utilities and test the drive
data is protected on the raid setup… is not likely all drives will fail
what type of raid configuration you have?
I too have a practically brand new (4 months old) Thunderbolt DUO 4TB drive that as of today just will not show up on my Computer.
I have 4 Macs with Thunderbolt and it will not mount on any of the computers. It worked absolutely great from day one up until today.
The white light flashes white/orange for about 2 seconds after connecting power and then nothing. Usualy the white light comes and stays on but not anymore.
Could this very expensive drive have died this soon? I realllllllly hope not.
Have you tried different cables?
Check if the drive is showing on disk utility
I’ve had exactly the same problem - even bought another drive but the same issue…have you had any answers? Chris