Brand new My Passport Ultra - 2TB backup issue


My apologies if this issue has been posted and solved before, but I could not find anything on this website in regards to the following screen shot:

Initially after clicking on the WD Apps Setup that was pre-installed on the backup device, it asked if I would like to update the WD Backup App, but the following was shown:

I later skipped this process and continued with the installations of which only 3 of the 4 were successfully installed. I later went on the WD website to download the WD Backup file which was successful, but after attempting to search for a backup target, the message as shown on the first image occurred. What I may figure is that it is not yet fully compatible for Windows 10? Please inform me if there is a solution to this. Thanks!


I recommend you contact WD support for assistance with this.

Contact WD

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Thank you for the reply. I will contact WD directly in regards to this issue.

Hi iWolfram,
Did WD support solve your problem? I have exactly the same problem and WD support have not been any use (yet). Started my support ticket a month ago.