Guys, same problem here, but wierder : Win7 recognises the drive if its on the scsi/usb2 port, NOT on the USB 3.0 (blue) port.
Could be a port problem, except that ALL my other USB drives, both portable 1tb, portable 1.5tb, fixed 1.5tb vault, and another flash 32MB drives, ALL USB 3.0, do work on the laptop’s same USB 3.0 port.
Only this MF doesn’t, it’s not recognized, doesn’t show up on any disk management utility, when is on the USB 3.0 port.
What a let down! A 70$US flash drive that is slow as a 2.0! WTF did I believe it was worth the money? I’ll never will buy anything from Sandisk! Pure deception!
In the end, I went through these forums and there is very little actually usefull help…by the way, before anyone calls me names, no I’m not a dumbwit, it’s the legitimate article, at a reputable computer equipment dealer, over the counter, proper packaging, so no, I didn’t bought fake and expected to pay little for a lot; I actually paid sticker price.
Rgds (sorry for venting)