I have a brand new Elements portable 5TB external HDD. It passes all tests and works fine except for one thing.
When I eject the drive from Windows 10 I get a safely ejected message as expected and drive disappears from drive list in my computer but the led on the drive goes into a slow rhythmic blink pattern. Since it is ejected I expected the blink to stop. It never does.
In other forums some people say it blinks because it is still getting some power and merely shows power but is in a safe idle mode. Since it ejected properly it no longer appears in windows 10 drive list.
When I unplug it while still slow blinking no data is damaged. I ran tests.
Does anyone else have a portable Elements HDD that behaves like mine?
Does anyone have the same drive that the led shuts off completely after ejecting but still connected to usb?
My old passport drive behaves exactly the same way and has never failed in years of use.