I bought mu first Fuze this morning at Costco for $59.00. Oh yeah, that’s the 8gb Fuze for $99 minus $40 for a coupon… Most shoppers in the store have the coupon book in hand and would most likely, out of the goodness of their hearts due the holidays, tear out the Fuze coupon for you. Many office supply stores, such as Staples, are selling MicroSD (on sale) for $15.00 for 4gb and you have a 12gb Fuze for $74.00.
The Costco stores and Costco.com are not identical. Each has it’s own special buys and assortment of merchandise. You will find products and prices in the stores (and even THAT changes with locality) that are not available on-line. And vice-versa.
The Costco deal was In-store. It wasn’t on their web site. They may have some players left, but you have to go today. It was a black Friday sale that ends today.
I’ve always wondered what it would have been like in Soviet Russia, waiting in the cold, in a long bread line, filing through cold concrete aisles, having your papers checked once, twice, looking at the floor lest they challenge me again…
Oh, wait! That was Costco.
Oh, but they had a deal on hot dogs! Only one more line.
I once wondered what people did with those 20 gallons of milk, 40 lb. bags of flour, 16 flats of eggs and that 55-gallon drum of peanut butter? Then I figured it out . . .
Peanut Butter Cookies! And there’s no way you can eat PB cookies without a ice-cold, teaming glass of moo-juice! Unfortunately, I never learned what major metropolitan city they were going to serve these cookies in.
And don’t forget the pizza. 2 bucks for a slice the size of a serving platter is cetainly <Burp> worth it! :smileyvery-happy:
The whole “industrial quantity” thing just doesn’t work out for my needs. I had a membership for two years, and purchased a few gihugic bottles of laundry soap.
Working out the math, I paid about 60 dollars a bottle, and spent a total of 90 minutes, waiting in line, in those two visits. And I had to show my card at the door going in, at the register, and at the exit.
Don’t get me wrong, the local Costco is quite popular, hence the long wait. I go there all the time for an industrial polish dog, and the staff are all quite friendly.
It just isn’t my cup of tea. If I need something, I’ve learned to have my father in law pick it up, as he just loves the place.
Costco is what introduced my to the SanDisk line of mp3 players. I’m sorry they don’t carry the full line now, only I-poods.
My future son-in-law had his mp3 player stolen out of his car, so I picked up an e260 for him for Christmas 2 years ago (Wow, has it really been that long?). When he opened it up Christmas morning, and passed it around for everyone to see, I got jealous, or caught up in it’s small size and cool appearance or something and decided I needed one too, so went back to Costco after the first of the year and picked me up one.
Little did I know what that was going to start! Now I have a collection. Two e260v1’s, two e280v2’s, and a 2Gb Fuze. And I’ve picked up numerous Micro SD cards (at Costco, too).
And you know the sad part? . . . I’m thinking about picking up yet a couple more for spares!
I also like the design of the e200, and a spare v2 would be awesome. I am going to get a v1 for Rockbox work too.
My daughters simply love their Clips, my wife is eyeballing the Fuze (I have to keep it out of sight, you see), and I also am looking at the higher capacity Clip for field use.
Yes, I am also thinking of a larger capacity Fuze too, and using OGG / FLAC for critical listening.
I’m looking for a cool µSD card wallet, maybe I’ll have to bite the bullet and fabricate a leather flip case with pockets in the top. I just have to fine the correct combination of a stiff surround, and a nice soft spine for the lid. I’m going with a magnetic “unobtanium” clasp for the top, as those are so very cool, and no hole for the 30 pin, just the headphone jack. Much cleaner, with a soft lining too.