battery replacement

can it be done?  bought a clip the other day and considering bringing it back. Am disabled and can’t afford to throw money away.


The Sansa Clip’s internal rechargable battery is not user replaceable. However, if it fails within the warranty period (one year), the device can be replaced.

thats what they said about the ipod when it came out…just give it time.  someone will post a way to replace the battery.

if you want to go the battery route, you could look into getting the iriver T30.  it comes in 1gig and can be found on ebay for relatively the same price as the sandisk.  Iriver has EXCELLENT sound quality,  I own 3 of them: the ihp-140 (the classic rolls-royce of HD players); the H10 (got free); and the T30 (for those times when you just want a small portable player). :smiley:

ihp-140 records in mp3 format, including fm i think…license schmicense–sansa, let us do it too…i ll pay extra

On, they took apart a Clip.  It may be risky to replace the battery–you may damage your Clip.  I would just take your Clip back to the store to exchange it.



Message Edited by WeatherWizard on 02-22-2009 05:37 PM

If you’re looking for battery players, here are some pretty good ones:

Message Edited by d_headshot on 02-22-2009 05:50 PM

@suebee wrote:

can it be done?  bought a clip the other day and considering bringing it back. Am disabled and can’t afford to throw money away.



Suebee, The battery in the player will last a pretty long time, barring anything unforeseen, the really cool thing about Sansa is that if something unforeseen hapens where you player stops working and you have done nothing wrong, for the first year Sansa will replace it. All you have to do is be careful and remember to charge it.