@sansamatt wrote:
The fun part–and I don’t know a workaround for this–is now going through each track and adding back in the title/tag information.
I’ve used the Nero software that came with my disc writer, and Foobar2000, and another app (CDex?) to automate that process. They simply look up the info for the CD and apply the tags automatically.
The older version of Nero that came with my CD writer had a local database, but when I “upgraded” to the version that came with my DVD writer (a much uglier program IMO – lots more eye-candy, lots more WORK to actually *use* the blasted thing) – uses an online database. No biggie, since it only takes a second or two, even over a modem, but I’d rather have the local database anyway – that one *would* look it up over the Internet if the CD wasn’t found in the local database, and then update the local version to keep it current).
In any event, it shouldn’t be that hard to do using a variety of apps. Foobar2000 is probably the nicest of the bunch IMO.
Edited to add that I’ve only done this with real CDs (the ones I’ve purchased over the years). I’d assume that as long as the CDs you’re writing from Itunes have the same order of tracks, and lenght of tracks (which is how I presume the database “fingerprints” the albums) it ought to work for you. But, if you’re working with individual songs you bought from Itunes, it probably won’t work. I am not an “Itunes guy” so I don’t know it from [insert term of derision] but I should probably try to figure it out before too long – my wife IS an Itunes person – she wanted an Ipod for the longest time, so, I bought her one a while back (a “gen 5” so that she’d be able to use it with the video dock I also bought her), but, she has recently “claimed” her first Sansa – a nice 2G Black Clip that I bought for myself <g> – and she’s making noises about “how do I get the music I bought onto this thing?”
I have read something about various freeware apps that *will* convert Ipod-format music into “real” music files, but never paid it much attention. I imagine I’ll be doing some homework in that department soon, though (and, looking for another cheap 2GB Clip – the 4GB I just got is intended for a dedicated purpose – it will hold the Pink Floyd studio album box set, which I have read will fit in FLAC format). The 2GB was a nice catch, I think I paid $15 for it – *almost* bought two of them, but decided I only “needed” one. Never in a million years thought she’d want one. Live and learn.
Message Edited by PickMorel on 12-06-2008 05:45 AM