Though I am Quite Happy with the 2x drives I’m using in Raid0, I had to ■■■■■ like mad with support, and they finally exchanged one of them… You see, I bought 2 identical SanDisk Ultra II SSD;s, and received 2 Altogether different models, of the same size, but with different firmware and hardware configurations… I complained here on old forums loud and long enough that Support exchanged one of them, so I could have 2 IDENTICAL SSD’s for my RAID 0 Array…
BUT, they said they would only do that once… Never again!
So, because of what Support Said and Did… I’ve added 3 other Raid 0 arrays made from Other MFG’s SSD’s… Because SanDisk could not guarantee identical drives could be bought with confidance…
I will be creating another Raid 0 array in the near future (Use Raid 0 arrays in video editing for temporary data storage)…
I’ve always liked the reliability of the Ultra II SSD’s…
Is SanDisk now selling only one hardware and firmware configuration? Can I return to SanDisk for SSD purchases, or do I continue with other MFG’s for my SSD Raid 0 purchases?
I’m not kidding… I like SanDisk Ultra II SSD’s… But I demand ALL devices in a Raid to be of same hardware and firmware configuration…
I would appreciate a relatively quick reply…